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Classroom Management I


Average GPA: 3.84
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 542
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing and admission to Professional Education Program or permission of department chair
Provides effective classroom management procedures (including classroom setup). Develops strategies to build strong student-teacher relationships and classroom management philosophy, rules, and consequences. Identifies strategies for 1st day success and strategies to handle behavior problems encountered in the classroom.

Advanced Listening Speaking


Average GPA: 3.06
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 39
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
For students whose native language is other than English. Studies advanced concepts of critical thinking and vocabulary. Provides opportunities for students to build confidence in public speaking. Emphasizes speaking and listening in advanced academic situations such as note-taking and participating in class discussions, debates, and presentations. Incorporates advanced concepts of pronunciation, stress, intonation, and linking. Includes weekly use of the UVU Language Lab where advanced listening skills are emphasized.

Pilates I CoreMax Training


Average GPA: 3.61
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 586
Number of Reviews: 0
A contemporary approach to Pilates exercise. A total body workout that challenges and optimizes strength, flexibility and endurance. Incorporates FlexBands, BOSU, stability balls, weighted balls, fitness circle and matwork to assist individuals in achieving optimal health and well-being. All exercises are designed to lengthen the body, strengthen the mid-section (core & spine), and improve posture and flexibility.

Introduction to Oceanography PP


Average GPA: 2.88
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 1112
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces the origin and development of the oceans, marine geology and its effect on life in the seas. Discusses waves, tides, currents, and their impact on shorelines, the ocean floor, and basins. Examines physical processes as they relate to oceanographic concepts. Includes media as an alternative to the actual oceanic experience. Completers should have a basic knowledge and appreciation of the ocean's impact to the world's ecology.

Blending Tinting and Detailing Lab


Average GPA: 2.99
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 59
Number of Reviews: 0
Corequisite(s): CRT 1210
Provides a laboratory experience for blending tinting and detailing techniques. Identifies proper procedures for Single stage, Base coat, and Tri stage blending. Identifies detailing techniques and materials.
Tool room fee of $10 for equipment applies.
Course Lab fee of $53 for materials applies.

Introduction to Social Work


Average GPA: 3.42
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 1638
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces social work theory and practice. Examines the relationship between policy and practice in the context of nine major fields of social work. Considers challenges faced by today's practitioners. Explores current career opportunities in the field.

Private Lessons for Music Majors


Average GPA: 3.64
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 152
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): Music major entrance audition required.
Corequisite(s): MUSC 251R
Offers twelve 60-minute private lessons for music majors. Focuses on the individual needs of the student in developing skills and techniques. Requires participation in weekly performance class. Includes juried evaluations. May be repeated as desired.
Course fee of $443 for support applies.

Exercise Testing and Prescription


Average GPA: 3.48
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 569
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): ZOOL 2320 (or 232H), ZOOL 2325 (or 232L), all with a C- or higher, and (MATH 1050 or MATH 1055), and University Advanced Standing
Pre- or Corequisite(s): ZOOL 2420 (or 242H), ZOOL 2425 (or 242L), and EXSC 270G
Teaches key concepts related to exercise testing and program design for healthy populations and populations with controlled disease. Explores concepts in team, group, and individualized assessment and programming. Emphasizes principles in anatomy, exercise physiology, behavior modification, motivation, health promotion, fitness assessment and prescription. Encourages students to sit for certification exams upon course completion.
Course fee of $20 for supplies.

Automotive HVAC Lab


Average GPA: 3.03
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 108
Number of Reviews: 0
Corequisite(s): AUT 2240
This course provides a laboratory experience for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning lecture (AUT 2240). Studies and provides experience with R12 and 134a refrigerants, environmental issues, retrofit assemblies, evacuation and charging AC systems, and problem solving of AC systems.
Course Lab fee of $17 for materials applies.

Special Topics in Biology


Average GPA: 3.74
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 157
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1620 and University Advanced Standing
Explores and examines special topics relating to the field of biology. Emphasizes areas of rapid growth in biology or current importance to society. May be repeated for a total of 9 credits toward graduation.

Foundations of American Education


Average GPA: 3.52
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 261
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing and admission to Professional Education Program or permission of department chair
Provides a broad and comprehensive overview of American education. Facilitates the understanding of current educational practices in America as a result of the social, historical, economic, and political forces that have had influence on the education system. Provides opportunities for students to evaluate their own belief system concerning education.

Total Quality Management


Average GPA: 3
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 295
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3450, Matriculation into Woodbury School of Business, and University Advanced Standing
Covers universal principles of quality assurance management, mechanics of a quality information system, and quality management practices. Emphasizes system elements, controls, and fitness for use. Includes process charting, quality costing concepts, statistical process control (SPC), sampling, variability, attribute charting, and continuing improvement strategies.
May be delivered online.
Lab access fee of $32 for computers applies.

Propaganda and Persuasion


Average GPA: 3.38
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 111
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): COMM 1500 with a C- or higher required and University Advanced Standing; COMM 3020 and COMM 3050 recommended
Examines various propaganda techniques inherent in advertising, public relations, and the mainstream news media in the United States. Prepares students to apply critical thinking skills to determine if or when propaganda techniques are used in order to understand the role of propaganda in their own mediated environment.

Management of Financial Institutions


Average GPA: 3.51
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 567
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): FIN 3100 and University Advanced Standing
Studies the U.S. financial system and its primary institutions and markets. Includes the role of the Federal Reserve System, American and international financial markets. Explores the impact of monetary policy on financial institutions and financial intermediation. Presents the term structure of interest rates, money, capital and mortgage markets, and management of thrift institutions and insurance companies.
Lab access fee of $32 for computers applies.

Engineering Dynamics


Average GPA: 2.76
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 353
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2010, MATH 1220, and PHYS 2210
Teaches principles of engineering mechanics as applied to bodies in motion. Studies kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies. Develops the concepts of force and acceleration, work, energy, impulse, momentum, impact, and vibration. Utilizes theory and methodology developed in the solution of practical engineering problems.
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.

Semiconductors in Mechatronic Systems Lab


Average GPA: 3.14
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 91
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): MECH 1200
Corequisite(s): MECH 2200
Applies the theory of semiconductor PN junctions and discrete semiconductors such as diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and MOSFET's applied to automation control. Introduces the utilization of opto-isolators, triacs, and SCR's in controlling automation power devices.
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