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Human Anatomy Laboratory


Average GPA: 2.15
Withdraw Rate: 9%
Total Enrollment: 4434
Number of Reviews: 0
Corequisite(s): ZOOL 2320
Studies, in-depth, the anatomy of the human body. Covers the structure and some functions at the cellular, tissue, organ, and system levels. Emphasizes the names, locations, and functions of body components. Involves problem solving and analytical thinking. Includes weekly laboratory study of human cadavers, models, and specimens.
Course Lab fee of $30 applies.

Social Work Practice IV-Advanced Practice with Groups and Complex Cases


Average GPA: 3.9
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 107
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): SW 6000; SW 6020
Builds on the skills and knowledge for generalist social work practice with emphasis on advanced practice with small groups and complex cases. Implements the planned change process to target workable intervention strategies. Identifies group problems such as scapegoating, manipulation, resistance, and how to solve those problems.

Marketing Analytics


Average GPA: 3.19
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 345
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing and MGMT 2340 or STAT 2040 or STAT 1040 or BESC3010 or appropriate test scores
Uses software to apply specific models and analytic techniques to solve important and common marketing management problems. Models contemporary marketing problems using such analytic tools as SPSS, SEMTool, Sawtooth Software, CRM database software, and Bass Diffusion Modeling.

Human Sexuality SS


Average GPA: 3.48
Withdraw Rate: 3%
Total Enrollment: 1515
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005
Interdisciplinary course in human sexuality, exploring topics in biology, health, psychology, and sociology. Introduces basic concepts of human sexuality, including anatomy, reproduction, and sexual response across the life-cycle. Studies gender roles, sexual orientation, dysfunction, and sexually transmitted disease. Examines sexual behavior from the perspective of ethics, religion, the law, and education. Students assess their sexual attitudes and should be able to make responsible sexuality decisions.

Digital Marketing


Average GPA: 3.26
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 1818
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3600 and University Advanced Standing
Provides an introduction to the many business uses of the Internet to create competitive advantage. Features discussions of e-business strategic components and practice with Web page exercises. Uses guided exercises to explore the Net, both in and out of class. Includes projects, research, and Net use in a particular industry. Emphasizes the sharing of concepts discussed in lectures, class activities, the assigned readings, and group projects.
Lab access fee of $32 for computers applies.

Spreadsheet Applications


Average GPA: 3.16
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 3432
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): MAT 0990 or equivalent business math knowledge; basic keyboarding skill
Provides an extensive study and hands-on examination of practical business applications using electronic spreadsheets. Provides comprehensive coverage of features available in the current Windows version of spreadsheet software.
Software fee of $18 applies
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.
Canvas Course Mats $78/Cengage applies.

Principles of Marketing


Average GPA: 3.34
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 5922
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010 and University Advanced Standing
Required for most School of Business Bachelor of Science Degree students and is elective credit for other majors. Studies consumers, markets, and environments from the perspective of the marketing manager. Covers consumer behavior, marketing research, product management, and channels of distribution. Explores pricing, advertising, and personal selling. Includes case analysis, lectures, class discussions, videos, oral presentations, written assignments, and guest speakers.
Lab access fee of $32 applies.

Financial Counseling


Average GPA: 3.57
Withdraw Rate: 0%
Total Enrollment: 236
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Pre- or Corequisite(s): FIN 3060
Prepares students to be effective financial counseling practitioners. Trains students to begin their role as effective financial counselors and planners. Develops counselor and client relationships skills as well as communication techniques to help identify and assist clients in an integrated financial planning environment. Provides an overview of the learning process needed to recognize the financial issues and concerns of many individuals and families and how to appropriately recommend solutions to help clients help themselves, while focusing on counselor sincerity and effectiveness in client reality.

American Heritage AS


Average GPA: 3.07
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 7793
Number of Reviews: 0
Studies the founding of American constitutional government. Considers the cultural, economic, legal, political, and social ramifications of the Constitution of the United States.

Major and Career Exploration


Average GPA: 3.07
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 2678
Number of Reviews: 0
For students who are undecided about their major or career goals. Provides students with the opportunity to interact with career professionals; understand how to access internship, career preparation, and placement resources at UVU; and integrates understanding of self with knowledge of majors, careers, and the world of work. Utilizes an appropriate decision making model to identify possible major and career choices.
May be delivered online.
Course fee of $22 for materials applies.

Principles of Statistics QL


Average GPA: 2.77
Withdraw Rate: 8%
Total Enrollment: 1643
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): Within the past two years: MATH 1050 or MATH 1055 with a grade of C or higher or appropriate math placement test score.
Includes summarizing data, measures of central location, measures of variation, probability, mathematical expectation, probability distributions, sampling and sampling distributions, estimation, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression analysis, and correlation.

Engineering Thermodynamics


Average GPA: 2.91
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 233
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1220, PHYS 2210
Covers static pressure, phase diagrams, equations of state, and mass balance. Studies laws of thermodynamics and their application in engineering problem solving. Includes analysis of open and closed systems, steady state, and unsteady flow problems. Studies heat engine, refrigeration, and other important thermodynamic cycles. Discusses the concept of Entropy and Entropy balance.
Lab access fee of $35 applies.

Digital Photography and Compositing I


Average GPA: 3.05
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 792
Number of Reviews: 0
Introduces digital image acquisition and manipulation. Teaches the mechanics of the digital camera, and introduces lighting, white balance, color temperature, digital ISO and electronic image stabilization. Discusses image compositing, EXIF data analysis and archiving.
Software fee of $15 applies..
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.

Introduction to Sociology SS


Average GPA: 3.16
Withdraw Rate: 4%
Total Enrollment: 3806
Number of Reviews: 0
Studies and compares social groups and institutions and their inter-relationships. Includes culture, socialization, deviance, stratification, race, ethnicity, social change, and collective behavior.

Curriculum Design and Assessment


Average GPA: 3.95
Withdraw Rate: 1%
Total Enrollment: 676
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): (Admission to Professional Education Program or department chair permission) and University Advanced Standing
For Elementary Education students. A beginning course in curriculum design and assessment of program effectiveness and student achievement. Covers theory and practice.

Deaf People and the Law


Average GPA: 3.6
Withdraw Rate: 5%
Total Enrollment: 90
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): ASL 3050 and University Advanced Standing
Focuses on the impact of laws and the legal system in the lives of people who are Deaf and the role such laws and the legal system play in the general understanding of Deafness in the United States. Explores in detail the rights of persons who are Deaf in a hearing world. Taught in ASL.
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