Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing, EDEL 4510, and admission to Professional Education Program or permission of department chair
Presents methods for teaching math concepts through the contexts of specific mathematical content to children, grades K-6. Includes classroom instruction and field experiences with children.
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the paramedic program and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): ESEC 3225
Pre- or Corequisite(s): ESEC 3210
Reinforces concepts and clinical skills students previously learned at the EMT level. Introduces advanced concepts in Cardiology, Airway Management, Respiratory Distress and Resuscitation. Identifies patient assessment and management within the paramedic scope of care.
Course fee of $7 applies.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2600 with a grade of C- or higher and University Advanced Standing
Corequisite(s): ENGL 3000 Recommended
Centers on scholarly research and writing in fields related to English Studies, drawing on students' areas of focus. Emphasizes analysis, rhetorical theories of writing, development, style, oral presentations, and primary and secondary research techniques. Prepares students to extend their abilities with researched writing in other upper-division courses and teaches students advanced scholarly attitudes toward researched writing.
Lab access fee of $7 for computers applies.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to graduate status, admission to the Master of Education program, or permission of the Dean
Examines organizational theory, models, governance, and management processes in higher education, leadership perspectives and leadership theory. Explores leadership as a discipline that transcends functional area, serving as a framework to lead and guide within higher education. Investigates leadership theories and formulates personal approach as an educational leader.
Introduces skills, concepts, and rules to help teachers and coaches teach target sports to youngsters in grades K-12. Focuses on helping teachers and coaches use positive transfer to enhance the teaching of skills, strategies, and concepts common to target games and sports. Developmentally appropriate progressions for key skills and strategies will be explored and implemented. Covers the main target sports: archery, bowling, golf, and disc golf.
Course Lab fee of $70 for teaching experience, transportation applies.
Prerequisite(s): [(SPAN 3030 and SPAN 3040) or SPAN 3050 or instructor approval] and University Advanced Standing
Offers students the opportunity to volunteer in projects involving the local Hispanic community. Addresses the linguistic and cultural aspects of community volunteering. Requires from 2 to 6 hours of volunteering weekly in local schools, clinics, social service agencies, or civic organizations. Repeatable for a maximum 6 hours credit toward graduation.
Prerequisite(s): AVSC 1250 and Department Approval
Includes maneuvers such as steep power turns, steep spirals, slow flight, lazy eights, pylon eights, and chandelles. Includes commercial cross-country, instrument flying skills, and emergency procedures. Prepares students for the required FAA Commercial Pilot Airplane Practical Test. Graded credit / no-credit.
Course fee of $15,450 for flight applies.
Prerequisite(s): CS 1400
Uses assembly language to introduce basic concepts of computer organization. Includes number systems, CPU organization, instruction sets, programming in assembly, memory organization, debugging, program design, and documentation. Covers interrupts, vector tables, and disk I/O.
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.
Prerequisite(s): Portfolio Review Acceptance
Introduces contemporary storyboarding practices, both linear and non-linear, key to communicating information clearly, and consistently in a cost effective manner.
*Laptop Required.
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Course fee of $12 for software and plug-ins applies.
Prerequisite(s): Admission into the BSW program and University Advanced Standing
Analyzes current social policy within the context of historical and contemporary factors that shape policy. Examines major social forces and institutions as they relate to and determine social policy emphasizing social welfare services in an industrialized society. Evaluates social welfare frameworks in light of the principles of social and economic justice. Identifies effect of social policy on generalist social work practice.
Prerequisite(s): REC 4400 and University Advanced Standing
Studies behaviorally-based models and relevant research in wildland recreation. Provides an in-depth analysis of human behavior influences and topics including visitor satisfaction, crowding, carrying capacity, resource destruction, motivations, attitudes, preferences, norms, conflicts, and specialization. Using these theoretical concepts, visitor-based management models will be presented and criticized. Emphasis on critical problems affecting public land recreation management.
Course fee of $20 applies for transportation, support applies.
Prerequisite(s): [(SPAN 3030 and SPAN 3040) or SPAN 3050] with a grade of C or higher and University Advanced Standing
Reviews Spanish grammar focusing on problem areas. Explores grammar as deployed in different genres. Emphasizes writing in different styles.
Lab access fee of $10 applies.
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing and admission to Professional Education Program or permission of department chair
Integrates technologies into classroom instruction. Prepares future teachers to use technologies to differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of all students. Explores ways technology can be used to revitalize pedagogy. Provides future teachers with the ability to develop lesson activities that empower students to make meaningful connections and develop 21st Century skills.
Cross Cultural Communications for International Business GI
Average GPA: 3.07
Withdraw Rate: 2%
Total Enrollment: 178
Number of Reviews: 0
Prerequisite(s): (ENGL 2010 or COMM 1050) and University Advanced Standing
Discusses today's business environment which requires work in a multi-ethnic setting. Overviews critical elements that arise from the various cultural backgrounds which can impact both domestic and international organizations. Proceeds from a management point of view with lessons easily derived for the mid-level manager as well as for line personnel. Concentrates on managerial communications, negotiations, cultural changes, and management functions.
Offers novice Russian speakers opportunities to enhance their speaking proficiency in the target language by focusing on oral verbal production. Teaches how to improve authentic pronunciation, reduce errors in authenticity of language structure, generate thought in the target language spontaneously as a substitute for translation, and sharpen listening comprehension for natural conversational flow. Contrasts with all other first year courses which must strive to produce mastery of the whole range of language acquisition components, including writing, grammar, etc. Facilitates lowering the affective filter when conversing in the target language by increasing the frequency of speech opportunities and defusing concern for such matters as spelling, etc. Increases mastery of lexical items through increased frequency of oral usage. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credits toward graduation.
Prerequisite(s): FIN 3100, Instructor Approval, and University Advanced Standing
Uses case method, examination of current academic and professional literature and/or student research to explore selected finance topics in considerable detail. Emphasizes student analysis, exposition and presentation of information. May be repeated four times for a maximum of 12 credits toward graduation.