Prerequisite(s): HLTH 4140 and University Advanced Standing
Intended for Public and Community Health majors. Builds upon HLTH 4140 and develops the knowledge, skills, and abilities to conduct health program implementation and evaluation. Includes a systematic approach to the implementation and evaluation of health education programs.
Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing in the Family Science program or Family Studies emphasis, BESC 3020, permission of the instructor, and University Advanced Standing
Provides practical and research experience interning in a governmental, corporate, or private agency apart from regular employment. Internship placements provide opportunities for contribution to the planning, design, implementation, and/or evaluation of family life educational programs. Supervised by agency representative. Requires faculty approval. May be repeated for up to 8 credits toward graduation. May be graded credit/no credit.
Course fee of $35 applies.
Designed for hospitality management majors and as elective credit for other business majors. Studies management principles of menu planning, purchasing, storage, food and beverage production, service, and sanitation. Includes lecture, case studies, guest speakers, field trip and project. Completers should understand the basic structure of a hospitality unit and how management principles relate to a restaurant.
Lab access fee of $32 for computers applies.
Canvas Course Mats $54/Wiley applies.
Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1610 and BIOL 1615 with a C- or higher in each.
Corequisite(s): BIOL 1625
Provides the second semester material in the two semester introductory course designed for biology majors. Covers origin and early evolution of life, plant structure and function, plant diversity, animal structure and function, animal diversity, and animal behavior.
Prerequisite(s): (ACC 2010, ACC 2020 and IM 2600) all with a B- or higher, (MATH 1050, MATH 1055, or MATH 1090) all with a C- or higher, and University Advanced Standing
Pre- or Corequisite(s): MGMT 2240 or MATH 1100
Reviews and expands on fundamental accounting material learned in beginning classes and to gain a solid understanding of the accounting cycle process. Designed to help the student develop the background necessary to succeed as a professional accountant.
May be delivered hybrid
Lab access fee of $32 applies.
Canvas Course Mats $78/McGraw applies
Prerequisite(s): CJ 1330
Covers principles and practice of the law of evidence. Teaches legal issues including admissibility of evidence, judicial notice, burdens of proof, hearsay, documentary evidence, evidentially privileges and witnesses.
Prerequisite(s): CJ 1330, ENGL 2010, and University Advanced Standing
Studies decisions in leading U.S. Supreme Court criminal cases. Presents an overview of criminal procedure relating to constitutional amendment laws with a criminal justice emphasis. Discusses leading cases concerning constitutional rights and responsibilities.
Prerequisite(s): AVSC 1240 and University Advanced Standing
Provides an overview of international flight operations including advanced air navigation systems. Explores navigation equipment and aids utilized in international flight operations. Teaches the operation of the "Glass Cockpit" flight data center. Utilizes simulation for operation of a glass cockpit equipped aircraft.
Teaches basic rock climbing skills to the beginning indoor rock climber. Includes knot tying, belaying, rappelling, fixed anchors, beginning indoor climbing, and rescue techniques. Prepares student for enjoyment of indoor climbing facilities, and introduces concepts related to sport climbing.
Course fee of $90 for support, equipment applies.
Prerequisite(s): Instructor Approval
Explores advanced level jazz technique, performance and composition skills. Includes preparation for the professional audition through movement experiences, lecture with group discussions, video, guest teacher(s), and group projects. May be repeated for a total of six credit hours.
Teaches Associated Press-style writing for the mass media. Focuses on organizing and presenting information to a mass audience. Emphasizes news writing.
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing
Explores the social aspects of aging at the personal, group, and larger social levels of society including the social implications of aging, the theories of aging, as well as formal and informal support of medical care, housing, and well-being of elderly persons. Includes the study of the identify the biological processes of aging and its impact on the roles and relationships elderly person experience in the later stages of life. Emphasizes the individual's experience in the context of national and global demographic trends, cultural and ethnic diversities and economic realities across the classes and across political boundaries.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3600 and University Advanced Standing
Provides an understanding of advertising, its purposes, and production. Includes sequence of activities in preparing productive, persuasive marketing and advertising campaign plans. Covers the social, legal, and economic considerations involved in the campaign planning process. Includes lectures, class discussions, guest speakers, videos, and student presentations.
Lab access fee of $32 for computers applies.
Prerequisite(s): INFO 1120 recommended
Introduces the UNIX Operating System using the popular Linux OS. Explores the Linux file system, Linux administration, OS utilities, and program features and uses. Aids the student in the development, understanding, and working knowledge of the details of the Linux Operating System, memory organization, disk architectures, and demand paged virtual memory. Includes OS installation, user creation, rights management, loading daemons, and server best practices.
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 1210, PHYS 2210
Studies fundamental electric circuit analysis techniques. Develops analysis techniques using Kirchoff's laws, Thevenin and Norton equivalents, superposition, and phasors. Covers transient and steady-state time-domain analysis, and frequency analysis.
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.