Prerequisite(s): COMM 1500, COMM 2300, COMM 3020, and University Advanced Standing
Examines public relations strategic planning process through the analysis of case studies. Addresses strategic communication planning issues in media relations, crisis communications, ethics, creative planning, research, and evaluation, using real-world situations and clients. Promotes learning individually and in teams.
Software fee of $20 applies.
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
For students whose native language is other than English. Studies low-intermediate English writing conventions including pre-writing, idea development, organization, word choice, and editing for organization and grammatical accuracy. Focuses on short academic writing tasks that culminate into a multi-paragraph essay. Includes weekly use of the ELL Computer Classroom where low-intermediate writing skills are emphasized and practiced.
Prerequisite(s): Department Approval
For students whose native language is other than English. Studies high-intermediate English grammar usage in written and verbal speech. Focuses on higher level verb tenses and their related structures, use of nouns and adjective clauses, passive voice and definite/indefinite articles. Expands use of modal auxiliaries, conditionals, and verb complementation using gerunds and infinitives.
Prerequisite(s): COMM 1500, and (STAT 1040 or STAT 1045 or equivalent) and University Advanced Standing
Covers basic communication research methods in both quantitative and qualitative research. Focuses on the research process and discusses the methodological tools for understanding and conducting basic communication research. Includes examples based on research and promotes awareness of the importance of quantitative and qualitative research perspectives as well as of data collection and analytical procedures.
Canvas Course Mats $66/McGraw applies.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010
Studies film as an aesthetic and cultural medium. Teaches the fundamentals of film, including narrative form, mis en scene, cinematography, editing, sound, and non-narrative forms. Teaches film analysis, including ideological approaches, and considers film as a cultural institution. May be delivered hybrid.
Introduces animation principles and studio processes used in the contemporary animation industry. Emphasizes the synthesis of technology and aesthetics in the production of an animated title. Includes an introduction to animation milestones and personalities.
Course fee of $35 for computers applies.
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.
Prerequisite(s): MAT 1000 or MAT 1010 or MAT 1030 or MAT 1035 or MATH 1050 or MATH 1055 passed with a C- or better, or a placement score equivalent to MATH 1050
Corequisite(s): CHEM 1015 (optional)
Assumes no previous knowledge of chemistry. Presents the foundations of chemistry to students who need preparation for further study in chemistry as well as to students who only want to take an introductory course. Covers chemical measurements, atomic structure, formulas, chemical reactions and equations, chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, molecules and chemical bonding, gas laws, liquids, solids, solutions, acids and bases.
Prerequisite(s): University Advanced Standing; Senior status and formal acceptance to Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) program by portfolio review or department approval
Focuses on the development and execution of a gallery exhibition or professional portfolio. Includes collaborative work with a gallery/museum professional in preparation of the exhibition's public viewing. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits toward graduation.
Prerequisite(s): FAMS 101G and (ENGL 2010 or 2020 with a C+ or higher) and University Advanced Standing
Studies physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development from conception through adolescence. Emphasizes normal child development within family, social, and cultural contexts.
Prerequisite(s): FAMS 101G, PSY 3400, and University Advanced Standing
Introduces the field of marriage and family therapy. Addresses history, theory, prominent clinicians and modalities, and therapeutic topics and techniques. Develops the knowledge of such topics as the systemic nature of therapy. Focuses on knowledge of theory and specific topics in therapy rather than skill development. Includes research, training, professional issues, and ethics in the field.
Prerequisite(s): CJ 1010 and University Advanced Standing
Presents historic treatment and emerging roles of the crime victim in the criminal justice process. Investigates problems and dilemmas faced by crime victims and victimization risk factors. Studies systemic and societal creation of victims, relationships between victims and offenders, crime victim compensation, and reparations.
Prerequisite(s): DGM 2130
Teaches the basics of gathering sound for use in film and video productions. Covers proper boom miking and wireless mic techniques, and acoustics preparation to record dialogue and sound effects on location and on sound stages. Examines the processes utilized in editing audio of multimedia productions, including the balancing of artistic relationships, mixing and mastering of music, sound effects tracks and Foley. Offers practical experience in audio-only productions as well as audio-video relationships. Culminates in a digital cinema mixing session. Primarily a lab class, may couple with another video class to gather the sound for a cohesive project.
Software fee of $15 applies.
Lab access fee of $35 for computers applies.
Prerequisite(s): ENGL 2010 with a grade of C- or higher and University Advanced Standing
Explores language structures, discovering connections between grammar (linguistic structure) and language uses (discourse and/or rhetoric). Includes the study of and practice in informed decision-making in the process of developing language structures (grammatical choices) appropriate to a particular rhetorical aim.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2210
Corequisite(s): PHYS 2225
Pre- or Corequisite(s): MATH 1220
A continuation of PHYS 2210. Covers electricity and magnetism, inclusive of Maxwell's equations. Develops theory of electromagnetic waves and optics. Presents introductory electronics and modern physics topics. Includes one hour of recitation.
Teaches beginning (Bronze) level patterns of International Style Latin Rumba, Samba, and Cha Cha. Introduces correct rhythm, poise, footwork, and foot positions. Provides general knowledge of Bronze level curriculum.
Course fee of $10 for practical experience applies.
An introductory course designed to teach the basic skills of shooting, passing, ball handling, rebounding, etc. Introduces and practices new skills each class session. Provides regular scrimmage time. Designed for fun and good competition. Includes an exciting class tournament during the course.